Whether you've been thinking about being a carer for a long time, or it's something that has just caught your eye, it is a worthwhile and secure career choice for many people. The journey of applying to become a foster carer begins with contacting us either by phone on 01903 522966 or emailing asphaleia on headoffice@asphaleia.co.uk. Our fostering team will then call you and go through some questions with you. Following this we will arrange to come and visit you at your home.
initial home visit
The purpose of the visit is to see the home and complete a form together. We will be able to answer any questions about fostering and explain the next steps of completing an application form. Once this has been returned to us the application journey begins.

form f completion
asphaleia will then allocate a social worker to you to complete a form f. This is a document about how you have become the person you are today and what you have learnt on your life journey. This is a piece of work that can take between four and six months.
We will also complete references and complete other safer recruitment checks. You will be asked to have a medical with your own GP and this will be funded by our agency. Once all this information has been collected and all information gathered has been approved we will then arrange for you to attend our panel.
attending panel
Our fostering panel will have read your form f prior to you attending panel and will ask you questions. During this panel meeting you will be supported by your social worker. Panel will then make a recommendation. This will then be passed to our agency decision maker who will then consider the information collected and make the decision to approve you as a foster carer.
asphaleia will then begin our induction and prepare you to be placed with a child or young person.

it might be hard, but applying to be a foster carer is worth it
Reading all that, you may be thinking it seems like a long and, perhaps at times, vulnerable journey. You would be right, and to go into it fully aware is helpful. However, we want to assure you that you will be supported the entire way. Your information will be treated with complete confidentiality and you will be informed throughout who knows what and why.
If you've any questions or concerns about the process, don't sit on them. Please call for a confidential and no-obligation chat with our fostering manager. You never know, perhaps your concerns are based on misinformation and your journey to fostering could be more straightforward than you think!

To find out more about fostering with asphaleia, please visit our be a carer page.