Stress affects everyone in many different ways, and everyone copes with stress in many different ways.

why do we get stressed?
Stress is our bodies response to deal with pressure. Stress can be caused by a lot of different things, such as: a negative life event that has happened, a change in your normal routine, lack of money - or sometimes you have too much! Then again, it’s very easy to get stressed at the smallest of issues, like when you can’t find something to wear, or you’re hungry and don’t have much food in.
ways to cope with stress
Sometimes it can be very hard to cope with stress. It can be very draining and can leave you feeling worse than before, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t coping, it can sometimes mean that your body needs to rest. Remember, only you know your body and how far you can push yourself. There is no rush.
Here are some ways to cope with stress:
Distractions - I find that distracting myself, even just for a little while, can help immensely. Whether that be listening to music, or doing some colouring, or any activity that you enjoy and will help take your mind off of things.
Exercise - I know you probably hear this one a lot but, exercise is a great way to cope with stress. Going for walks on your own, with a friend or a pet, even just chilling in your garden or going for a walk to the shops can help. Sometimes a breath of fresh air is what we need. There are also lots of different workout videos on YouTube too if that’s your thing.
Get enough sleep - I can’t recommend this one enough, since I’ve maintained a good sleep routine, I’ve really noticed a difference with my own mental health and how I cope with stress.
Take time out for yourself - It is important to have some ‘me time’. How you wish to spend that time is entirely down to you. You could read, write, or have a pamper session, or you could play your favourite game. As long as it makes you feel good, why not do it and have some time just for you!
Reach out and talk to someone - This can be very difficult to do. I get that, but it can be so worth it too. Remember ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’.

I’m sure you may have other ways to cope with stress too and that’s great if you do, but it’s never to late to try new ways and see if they help.
my own experience with stress
I get stressed very often, sometimes it’s about a rather serious issue, and sometimes it’s because I’m just having a bad day and everything seems to stress me out. I’m sure many people can relate.
One thing in particular that I stress about a lot is my driving lessons. When I first started my lessons, I really struggled, I’d get so nervous before the lesson and then so stressed after the lesson. I’d beat myself up for tiny mistakes I’d made, no matter how good the lesson went. I would fret about it all day and all night until I’d make myself feel like a failure.
Then I started writing down how each lesson went and all the new things I learnt. Once I had it written down in front of me I realised that mistakes are there to be made, but the important part is that you learn from them.
Stress is normal, almost every one experiences some level of stress everyday. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling stressed, the feeling does not last forever!
By asphaleia's Student Ambassador