Students on asphaleia's On Track courses had happy faces last week when they engaged in pumpkin carving.
A hands-on session saw students scooping out the pumpkins and carving faces into them, each with its own personality. They also learned some of the key points about Halloween, and some key words for things to look out for this Sunday. This would have been the first time that many of our asylum-seeking students had engaged in this popular tradition, while learning English in a practical session.

On track ESOL students also took part in an Egg-drop Challenge. Teams had to make contraptions from recycled materials to protect an egg when dropped to the ground from a height of about 2 metres. Teams were marked for teamwork, the design of their contraption and the final condition of their egg!
Our programmes for 16-24 year-olds run throughout the year and young people can enrol at any time. We hold taster sessions on the last week of each month so young people and their parents or professionals they're working with can meet staff and visit our building.
To find out more about our programmes, visit this page.