In October half term we offered young people living in West Sussex who are aged 16-24 and not in education or employment, the opportunity to come and join us on the 26th and 28th of October for our half term restart programme.
The days involved workshops with our experienced tutors whose aim was to help YP figure out their next steps.
During the week our team offered informed careers guidance, practical support with CVs and cover letters, as well as support to explore available courses to work towards your chosen career. - they are working in teams to create a presentation for an idea improving health at apshaleia.
One activity YP were given was a 'Dragon's Den' type presentation task. They had to present an idea around supporting students to improve their sleep habits. The groups had to give a presentation on their idea and the winning idea earned the group a prize, and would possibly be implemented at asphaleia training.

One group suggested providing a 4 week programme to students to help educate around sleep, another came up with the idea of "a calm room" providing a space for students to work quietly, do meditation and yoga, with a library of books, mindful drawing exercises and board games. Another group went for a weekly quiz night to help with social anxiety.

I'm sure you'll agree the YP came up with strong ideas and it was an excellent task to develop the YP's problem solving, teamwork, and presentation skills. All important for the workplace.
If you know a YP not in education or employment who would like to join our tailored employability programme, please click here to find out more.