At asphaleia, we are passionate about having a positive impact on the environment as an organisation, as well as encouraging staff and young people to take up positive habits individually that will reduce non-recyclable waste.

This July, we are supporting the Plastic-Free July movement and have put posters up in our learning centre to encourage students and staff to reduce their use of single-use plastic.
We are also utilising internal comms with staff to share tips and ideas and encourage them to take up the plastic-free July challenge.
As the Plastic Free Foundation says, small steps make a big difference.
Here are some ideas for reducing single-use plastic this month, why not take just one and aim to fully cut it out of your daily life?
Always carry a refillable water bottle with you.
Use reusable coffee cups for takeaway.

Substitute clingfilm for Tupperware boxes or wax wraps.
Buy loose fruit and veg instead of buying it in plastic bags.
Avoid plastic takeaway drink straws.
At celebrations, use paper decorations and bunting you can reuse instead of balloons.