Last month, asphaleia fostering took part in the Fostering Network's annual event, Foster Care Fortnight. The campaign is intended to raise awareness of fostering and celebrate the amazing work being done by thousands of carers across the country.
Our aim for being involved in the campaign was to raise the profile of our Worthing-based agency, asphaleia fostering, showcase the dedication of our team, and recruit more carers so we can continue fulfilling asphaleia's mission;
To impact as many lives of children and young people who have experienced disadvantage as we can.
foster care fortnight at asphaleia
This year’s theme was #whywecare. The aim was to help people understand the value of fostering and the positive and life-changing impact it can have on a child or young person’s life. Our entire fostering team is incredibly passionate about children and young people reaching their full potential, led by Kim's enthusiastic and dedicated leadership, our carers are inspiring in their commitment and skills, and it was great to celebrate that during these two weeks.
Throughout the fortnight there were activities for staff to take part in to support our agency, some being;
Wear Yellow Day on Tuesday 18th May
Coffee catch up with asphaleia’s fostering manager
Staff shared placards saying why they care about fostering
And lastly, an asphaleia campaign would not be complete without an awesome asphaleia quiz! Staff were sent some questions about fostering to test their knowledge!
A message from our fostering manager, Kim:
Fostering fortnight has now come to an end however, the work of increasing our foster care team has not! At asphaleia we always welcome people who will make children's lives better. So if this is the right work for you please call us.
We have been extremely busy over the last weeks and I would like to thank you all for raising fostering awareness. Wear yellow was very successful and brought a little sunshine to our day. A massive thank you to everyone and of course a massive thank you always goes to our wonderful foster carers who make a difference daily.
Q&A event with our fostering manager
For those who are interested in becoming foster carers, we are holding a virtual Q&A event with our fostering manager and a carer this Thursday 10th June at 7pm.
Ask any questions you have about fostering in a no-obligation chat. Alternatively if you'd prefer a 1-1 phone call, please call 01903 522966 and ask for Kim.
We are looking for carers based in East or West Sussex. For more about this event, click the image below.