asphaleia are currently running a campaign specifically targeting more male applicants to come forward for their independent visitor volunteer role. The campaign highlights how important role models are for young people and how this is an accessible role for young professionals looking to volunteer.
‘Independent Visiting is the right volunteering role for me, as it gives a positive and rewarding experience that fits in with my lifestyle. The role is flexible and does not involve a large amount of commitment. I feel well supported and confident through ongoing support and training.
More importantly, this once a month visit with my young person, has grown into a friendship and a highlight on my calendar. I can see first-hand what a difference our visits have made to him and his foster family.’ asphaleia Independent Visitor
asphaleia runs the Independent Visiting Service for East Sussex County Council. Independent Visitors (IVs) are trained volunteers that visit children and young people who are looked after by East Sussex County Council. They offer the support and friendship of a trusted adult, a monthly visit involving fun activities away from their placement and are someone the child can talk to about their worries.
An IV is matched to one child who they commit to seeing monthly for at least 12 months. They are someone ‘totally independent’ in the young person’s life, distinct from the professionals who support them. It makes a real difference to a young person to know they have someone who is on their side, who has chosen to be there for them.
Some IVs befriend their young person for several years and then maintain the friendship once the child has turned 18 and left care.
According to asphaleia IVs, the positives of the role include flexibility, low level of time involved, and the opportunity to make a difference to a young person’s life. One IV explains how the role suits their career aspirations as well as being a role that matches their personality,
‘Independent visiting is the perfect volunteering role for me, as I would like to become a foster carer at some point in the future so it's ideal experience, and also a good way to be able to help in some small way right now, even if I'm not currently able to commit to full time fostering.
I'm also much more of a one-on-one than group person, so it really suits my personality to build one individual relationship over time, whereas I found a lot of general volunteering roles would often involve large groups and new people.’
Some young people in care can be placed outside of their local authority and the IV role can be even more impactive to these children.
‘We are currently looking for volunteers in Nutfield, Crawley, Kent, Hove, and even as far as Sheffield,’ says Ella Allison, Service Coordinator. ‘It can be challenging to recruit in different areas, but we still offer the same training and support to volunteers that aren’t based in East Sussex.’
‘It’s amazing the impact you can have on a young person’s life by being yourself, and just being their friend and a listening ear,’ says Ella.
asphaleia are running a virtual information event to give anyone interested in the role the chance to find out more and ask questions. It is taking place on Tuesday 11th February 2025, at 7pm-8pm, on Microsoft Teams.
Interested participants can register to attend on asphaleia’s website or on their Facebook event.