Learning and Development (L&D) week is an annual event at asphaleia where staff's professional development is focused on and invested in. It takes place this year on 21st - 25th September and involves additional training, discussion and reflection, and an opportunity for staff to progress in their roles and knowledge. Traditionally, it has always included the asphaleia staff day, which has become a treasured event in the year where staff can come together and learn as well as celebrate achievement.
It's a bit different this year...
Isn't everything? Naturally, all coming together in one venue isn't possible this year. Though this is disappointing, as our staff have so brilliantly adapted to all the change that 2020 has thrown at them we know we can still have a successful and beneficial week. We will adapt again for this event and I'm sure benefit from having to widen our approaches and ways of delivering the week.
During this year’s L&D week, we will be reflecting on themes within our Working Professionally Policy, alongside our organisation’s values.
So, what is in store for staff??
The asphaleia value ‘Think Their World’ is at the forefront of everything we do – from our work with young people, to day-to-day conversations with each other, to the way we relate with external professionals and the quality of our work…to name a few!

During L&D Week - we will be exploring various areas that are key to working professionally, some of which include:
The value in getting communication right
Representing yourself and the organisation
Essential skills in recording and reporting
Managing professional relationships with young people
Professional Curiosity
And more!...
We will also still be holding our Staff Awards to recognise the particular achievements of certain staff members. We look forward to sharing all about it afterwards!