Across asphaleia we have volunteers who support our services or comprise the entire workforce of a service, such as with our Independent Visiting Service in London Borough of Bromley.
We cannot emphasise enough how much we appreciate these volunteers who work very hard and have a positive impact on many young people over their time serving as a volunteer.
I interviewed an asphaleia volunteer to find out more about her experience. Jo is a volunteer at our training centre and supports with the classes we run for our students who are ages between 16 and 24. These include employability courses where students can achieve accredited English and maths qualifications and also get advice on their CV, support finding work experience and/or support applying for further education. We also provide ESOL to young people who have very low levels of English. Find out more about our provision here.
Hi Jo! How long have you been a volunteer at asphaleia?
I've been volunteering at asphaleia for about five years. Time flies when you spend it with young people so I'm not sure.
What does a typical day look like for you?
On a typical day I get in to help with the breakfast club, talk to the young people and support staff as we prepare for lessons. I work as an assistant in the classroom during the day as needed. I can also be used to support the admin/reception staff as required.

What are some of the most rewarding experiences you've had whilst volunteering?
Every day is rewarding as working with young people is so fulfilling. Some of the best times are being around young people as they work through emotional turmoil or learning difficulties to see the way ahead for themselves. Everyone has potential.
What are the main challenges?
Some of the main challenges can be not being aware of trauma or hidden difficulties that a young person may have experienced. If we've not been informed of it or circumstances have changed that can be a big deal for the young person and the team around them. None of us want to make things worse by making a mistake.
What would you say to someone who is considering volunteering?
Volunteering has been good for me on a personal level so I would recommend it to most people. It is a good introduction to work for some and can open up many areas of employment to others. If you can help as part of a team that is a must as people can rely on you. The hardest part is in understanding where you're wanted, not just what you would prefer to do. That's why volunteers are such a well-sourced group throughout the community. Try it out and if one sector is not for you have a go in another type of work, there is bound to be a place that suits.
Thanks Jo!
If you're interested in volunteering with asphaleia, please get in touch via our contact page.

We are taking referrals for our training courses so why not send an enquiry today!