our services
asphaleia offers a range of services to young people, local authorities and professionals, and those who care for young people. Please find information below about our care, fostering and training services. For a bespoke service please contact us to discuss.
specific info for young people, local authorities and parents/guardians below

care n. - a thing to be done
asphaleia care provides high quality services for children and young people, enriching their wellbeing, welfare and skills development to aid their successful transition into adulthood and independent living. The services include various forms of accommodation, outreach and specialist support services for young people living across south east England.
We provide accommodation services for 16-24 year olds including emergency placements, UASC reception projects, staffed small home settings to step down independent living accommodation with outreach support.
We offer Advocacy, Independent Visitor Services and Specialist Services, and have particular expertise working with UASC (unaccompanied asylum seeking children).
Children and young people accessing the services are involved in the service design to support effective and ongoing high quality responses.
foster v. - to nurture growth
Fostering enables us to make a positive difference to any child's life, promoting their future growth and development through nurturing foster placements. We believe that the presence of a supportive and encouraging foster family can greatly enhance a child's self-esteem and help them to grow into confident, happy and well adjusted adults.
Our Worthing-based agency has a dedicated team of foster carers who maintain high levels of care for children and young people. We have specialist experience in UASC and parent and child placements.
If you are interested in becoming a carer, we offer a competitive package of benefits, training and support networks to ensure our foster carers are looked after and never face challenging days on their own. Please contact us at our centre in Worthing town to find out more.

train n. - to direct the growth of
asphaleia training offers an alternative learning environment for further education, open 52 weeks of the year, which may be more suited to the needs of young people aged 16+ who find mainstream education frightening or a struggle. Young people can enrol anytime and enjoy personalised engagement and learning programmes.
We aim to enhance the delivery of education establishments by providing additional support for the young people who need it, to enable them to make a positive transition into further learning or work. As well as programmes for 16+, we offer specialist NEET engagement and prevention projects for 14-24 years.
We support young people to acquire new skills, develop personally and gain confidence to enable them to remain in learning and make a positive transition into further learning or work.
We work in partnership with schools, colleges, training providers and other professionals to create bespoke wrap around learning and support. We engage with local employers to inform students learning and provide mutual opportunities and experiences for young people.
what people say

"asphaleia is good because you can talk and get help when no one else is there!"

“I have always thought that I could get this far, but I needed some special people in my life that believed it too.”

"I want to thank staff at asphaleia for their patience and understanding - you have given my son his confidence back."