support services for children and young people in need, in partnership with East Sussex County Council

Independent Visitors and Advocates are two distinct roles that help looked after children and young people develop positive relationships and express their views. asphaleia care provides both these services for children and young people in East Sussex who have an East Sussex social worker. Keep reading to find out what each service offers and how to refer.

Helping children and young people express their views
Advocacy offers free and confidential support services for children and young people in East Sussex who are in care, care leavers, or engage with other East Sussex Children’s Services.
An Independent Advocate helps children and young people to have their views, wishes and feelings listened to and taken into account and to influence decisions made about them.

Are you a child or young person?
An advocate can help you:
make a complaint
if you're not happy in your home or if you want to change homes
by being a support in meetings with the local authority
if you don't agree with a decision that's been made
if you have issues in your placement
In addition, we support children and young people who are looked after in residential care with regular visits to children's homes in East Sussex.
This service is available for:
Under 18's with an ESCC social worker
Looked after children
Care leavers up to 25 years-old, or up to 21 years-old if not in education
Post-adoption up to 25 years-old
A care leaver with SEN up to age 25
independent visitors
Providing a consistent and supportive befriender
IV's are trained volunteers that visit children and young people who are looked after by East Sussex County Council on a monthly basis. They offer the support and friendship of a trusted adult, a monthly visit involving fun activities away from their placement and are someone the child can talk to about their worries.
The Independent Visitor is someone ‘totally independent’ in their life,

distinct from the professionals who support them. It makes a real difference to a young person to know they have someone who is on their side, who has chosen to be there for them.
Children and young people are able to access both services should they wish to. Advocacy provides short-term support, whilst we aim for an IV to provide a longer-term consistent presence in the child's life.
young person, IV service
It's nice to have a chat and relax as [I'm] doing mocks atm and they can be stressful.
foster carer, IV service
We are pleased with this, and [our] YP seems to be always having a positive and fun time doing these activities. He is especially looking forward to a sightseeing bus tour and seems to feel relaxed doing [the visits] and enjoys having them personalised to him.
young person, IV service
I look forward to seeing my IV, she’s amazing!
make a referral or find out more
We need an advocate
Download a referral form and send it securely via email. Please call us if you wish to discuss the referral or if you need help completing the form.
If you're on mobile you can use the call button below, otherwise our number is 01323 324010.
We need an IV
Download a referral form and send it securely via email. Please call us if you wish to discuss the referral or if you need help completing the form.
If you're on mobile you can use the call button below, otherwise our number is 01323 324010.