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Family Time

get your questions answered at our virtual information event

You've been thinking about fostering for a while, or it's just crossed your mind. Either way we're sure you have questions. Come and get the answers at our next information event. 

The decision to become a foster carer usually takes time.


At asphaleia fostering, we want to recruit carers who are ready and sure it's the right choice for them and their family.


Part of making this decision is becoming fully informed. So we are holding an information event where you can come and find out more about fostering from the people who really know what's involved. You will be able to ask questions, and maybe hear from a foster carer too. 


Our priority isn't to persuade you. It's to help you explore something that could be extremely rewarding and more accessible than you think.

Happy Woman

some questions and answers

will I need to give you my details at the end?

No. You will give your email address in order to book in. At the event, we will offer for you to sign up to our email list so you can stay up to date with our agency news. 


But we will not contact you afterwards except to ask for feedback. 


The ball is always in your court.

what will happen at the event?

There will be a short introduction to our agency by the fostering manager, Kim, where she will answer questions sent in advance, or at the time.


You will be able to ask questions at your leisure, but there will be a specific Q&A time after the presentation. 


There will also be a foster carer there you can speak to as well. 

can I just find out more on your website?

You certainly can, there's plenty of information on our 'be a foster carer' page, and on our blog


However, we can't guarantee to answer every question you may have on our website. And once you get talking to us, you'll find it's helpful speaking about your specific situation and concerns. 


Nothing beats having a face to face conversation with someone who is in the fostering world, every day, especially if it's a foster carer!

when and where?

when: The next event will be held in May 2025, date TBA

where: Microsoft Teams

Man Using a Tablet
register your interest

We look forward to meeting you!

If you have any questions about the event, or would like to speak to our fostering manager on the phone, please call 01903 522966. To find out more about being an asphaleia carer, please click here.


You are also welcome to register for this event by emailing


We hope to speak to you soon.


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